It can be really depressing when you see your hair coming out in clumps. Stop stressing over it, we mean quite literally, simply because any kind of stress is the biggest cause of hair fall. Also if you are pregnant, going through menopause, or experiencing other hormonal changes, be gentle with your hair. These life situations actually weaken the roots, and affect the overall hair health.

However the good news is that in most cases of hair loss, the effect is reversible. With little care you can reclaim your hair’s lost glory. The first step to having a great hair is to reduce stress in your life and get proper sleep, which ensures that your roots are healthy. Lack of water, sleep and too much stress tend to swell up the area around the hair roots, choking the natural growth of your strands.

Next step to treating hair fall is to start improving your diet and taking in some extra vitamins and minerals. Pop a vitamin B12 capsule daily to fortify the roots. Improve your protein intake as well since hair is basically made of a protein compound. Foods like flaxseed, walnut, coconut water, almonds, milk, eggs, and soy go a long way in adding strength to your strands.
Similarly cut down on chemical treatments that you get done, till the strands are strong again. Excessive colouring, curling or straightening can weaken strands and cause breakage. If you must colour your hair then be sure to use a gentle anti-damage shampoo, conditioner and serum that fortify the strands. You should also use shampoo formulated for increasing body and volume if you have thin strands. Also regular oil massage is good for the roots, as it improves circulation, and also offers extra protection to the strands. During stressful period in your life you can go for hair spa, and therapy sessions to strengthen the strands and get relaxed.
However if the severity of hair loss is high, then visit a trichologist, hair doctors trained to handle hair issues. At such a centre, your treatment is decided after detailed consultation, and proper scalp and hair examination. Based on the diagnosis the doctors prescribe treatments and medication.

To control drastic hair fall there two very effective hair loss treatments called MesoHairtherapy,and Laser with Nanotech therapy. In MesoHair therapy, a mesotherapy roller is use to administer medication through miniscule injections to improve the blood circulation in the scalp. This in turn stimulates the hair follicles. In the other latest method the roots and follicles are subjected to photo-biostimulation with targeted cold laser beams. Then nano-particle based concentrate with keratin, vitamin B and soy lecithin is applied to the laser treated area. This treatment enables the proteins to better penetrate the roots, and the hair follicles get better nutrition, thus protecting hair against external damage. The combination of laser and medicated concentrate, act simultaneously improves scalp nutrition and blood micro circulation, which is crucial for healthy and strong follicles.
With these therapies you can see lasting and visible results in just 12 weekly sessions. Once your roots and strands stabilise, your trichologist generally prescribes the requisite minerals and vitamins, as well as a diet to maintain your hair. Hair transplantation is another option, especially for men when the hair loss is irreversible.